Want to promote your business online? We begin with your business research;
Team KenTrips with their experience and professional approach gives you the superb solution.
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Welcome to KenTrips
KenTrips offers range of online booking services in Travel domain including Flights, Hotels, Sight Seeing, Transfers, Buses etc to Travel Agency / Travel Management Companies to augment their B2B and B2C business by providing Online Booking Capabilities to their Sub Agents / Corporate / Direct Customers.
Have a full-fledged B2B/B2C Portal that offers a number of Services to the Agents / Franchisees / Direct Customers
Various Interfaces :
1. Back Office / Admin Interface
This would be used by the Back Office of Travel Agency / Travel Management Company for managing the following -
2. B2B Interface will facilitate the Agents to
3. B2C Interface will facilitate Direct Customers to Search, Book, Print Ticket/Voucher, Request Cancellation, Booking History
Available Suppliers Already Integrated
1. Flights
2. Hotels
3. Sight Seeing
4. Transfers
5. Buses
6. Payment Gateway